Kansas City

IATA ICAO Country Coordinates
MCI KMCI United States 39.298°N 94.714°W
1 290

Nonstop Flight Airports for MCI

These are the airports with which Iʼve had a nonstop flight from or to MCI.

# City Route Distance Flights
1 Chicago (O’Hare) ORDMCI 401 miles 645 km 2
1 nonstop flight airport

Airlines Using MCI

# Airline Code Flights
1 UnitedUnited UA 2
1 airline

Operators Using MCI

# Airline Code Flights
1 Republic-AirwaysRepublic Airways YX 1
UnitedUnited UA 1
2 operators

Aircraft Using MCI

# Aircraft Family Flights
1 Boeing 737 1
Embraer E-Jet 1
2 aircraft families

Classes Flown to or from MCI

# Quality Travel Class Flights
1 1 out of 5 stars Economy
Standard main cabin seat

Trips and Sections Using MCI

Trips with a MCI Visit

Trip Sections with a MCI Visit

Trip and Section Details

# Trip Section Departure
1 Wichita, KS 29 Jul 2019
1 trip, 2 sections

MCI Flight List

# Flight Route Departure
1 UnitedUnited 3694 ORD MCI 29 Jul 2019
2 UnitedUnited 2211 MCI ORD 1 Aug 2019
2 flights (0.2% of all flights)

The number of flights using an airport may not be the same as the number of visits to that airport. Each time I used an airport as a layover, it counted as two flights but only one visit.