Columbus ⇔ Phoenix

Airports Distance between Airports
CMHPHX 1 666 mi · 2 681 km
1 666
total miles
2 681
total kilometers

Airlines Using CMHPHX

# Airline Code Flights
1 US-AirwaysUS Airways US 1
1 airline

Operators Using CMHPHX

In many cases, an airline subcontracts another airline to operate flights for them. However, all of these flights were operated by their advertised airline.

Aircraft Using CMHPHX

# Aircraft Family Flights
1 Airbus A320 Family 1
1 aircraft family

Classes Flown on CMHPHX

# Quality Travel Class Flights
1 1 out of 5 stars Economy
Standard main cabin seat

Trips and Sections Using CMHPHX

Trips with a CMHPHX Flight

Trip Sections with a CMHPHX Flight

Trip and Section Details

# Trip Section Departure
1 Tucson and Flagstaff Convention 28 Jun 2014
1 trip, 1 section

CMHPHX Flight List

# Flight Route Departure
1 US-AirwaysUS Airways 606 PHX CMH 28 Jun 2014
1 flight (0.1% of all flights)