
Paul’s Flights Country of Registration Aircraft
1 United States 737-300
Map of flight routes, created by Paul Bogard’s Flight Historian
Map generated by Great Circle Mapper
405 total miles · 651 km · See a list of these flights

Classes Flown on N375SW

# Quality Travel Class Flights
1 1 out of 5 stars Economy
Standard main cabin seat

Airlines Using N375SW

# Airline Code Flights
1 SouthwestSouthwest WN 1
1 airline

Operators Using N375SW

In many cases, an airline subcontracts another airline to operate flights for them. However, all of these flights were operated by their advertised airline.

Longest and Shortest Routes Flown on N375SW

Longest Route BWIDAY 405 mi 651 km
Shortest Route BWIDAY 405 mi 651 km

N375SW Flight List

# Flight Route Departure
1 SouthwestSouthwest 846 BWI DAY 16 Jul 2015
1 flight (0.1% of all flights)
