Charlotte ⇔ Newport News/Williamsburg

Airports Distance between Airports
CLTPHF 281 mi · 452 km
total miles
total kilometers

Airlines Using CLTPHF

# Airline Code Flights
1 US-AirwaysUS Airways US 1
1 airline

Operators Using CLTPHF

# Airline Code Flights
1 Piedmont-AirlinesPiedmont Airlines PT 1
1 operator

Aircraft Using CLTPHF

# Aircraft Family Flights
1 de Havilland Canada Dash 8 1
1 aircraft family

Classes Flown on CLTPHF

# Quality Travel Class Flights
1 1 out of 5 stars Economy
Standard main cabin seat

Trips and Sections Using CLTPHF

Trips with a CLTPHF Flight

Trip Sections with a CLTPHF Flight

Trip and Section Details

# Trip Section Departure
1 St. Louis, MO and Newport News, VA 28 May 2009
1 trip, 1 section

CLTPHF Flight List

# Flight Route Departure
1 US-AirwaysUS Airways 4333 PHF CLT 28 May 2009
1 flight (0.1% of all flights)